Cycling Corridor - Functional Planning Study
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Consultation has concluded

The focus of this study is to plan cycling corridors in Lethbridge, connecting to key pathways and existing roadways as outlined in the City's Cycling Master Plan. This project will look at both on-street dedicated cycling lanes and shared multi-use pathways.
The scope of this study will identify cycling infrastructure along the major corridors of the cycling network identified in the first three stages of the Cycling Master Plan.
These include:
- 4 Avenue South from Scenic Drive South to Stafford Drive South
- 6 Street South from 3 Avenue South to 7 Avenue South
- Stafford Drive from 5 Avenue North to 7 Avenue South (excluding the Highway 3 and Canadian Pacific Railway bridge crossings)
- 2A Avenue North from Stafford Drive North to 13 Street North
- Highway 3 from Mayor Magrath Drive to 32 Street South
Gathering input from public and stakeholders will be a vital part of this project.