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Consultation has concluded
According to the latest data from the Province of Alberta, Lethbridge has 1,896 childcare spaces and 7,550 children aged 0-6, translating to a childcare coverage of about 25%. Experts from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives say a community needs at least 33% coverage to be considered as having adequate childcare coverage. This means that Lethbridge has a childcare gap of approximately 620 spaces.
Access to affordable and available childcare is one of several indicators of well-being in communities. With this in mind, the City of Lethbridge is interested in developing a deeper understanding of local childcare needs, as well as the challenges and opportunities in the community related to increasing the number of childcare spaces. To achieve this, the City will be completing public and stakeholder engagement, conducting market and comparator municipality analyses, and crafting a final needs assessment report. This report will be presented to Lethbridge City Council in June 2024 and will contain a list of recommendations for Council's consideration.
Key project updates, as well as the final Childcare Needs Assessment Report, will be posted to the project's Get Involved webpage. Those interested in keeping up with the project are encouraged to click the "subscribe" button on this page to receive project updates.
According to the latest data from the Province of Alberta, Lethbridge has 1,896 childcare spaces and 7,550 children aged 0-6, translating to a childcare coverage of about 25%. Experts from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives say a community needs at least 33% coverage to be considered as having adequate childcare coverage. This means that Lethbridge has a childcare gap of approximately 620 spaces.
Access to affordable and available childcare is one of several indicators of well-being in communities. With this in mind, the City of Lethbridge is interested in developing a deeper understanding of local childcare needs, as well as the challenges and opportunities in the community related to increasing the number of childcare spaces. To achieve this, the City will be completing public and stakeholder engagement, conducting market and comparator municipality analyses, and crafting a final needs assessment report. This report will be presented to Lethbridge City Council in June 2024 and will contain a list of recommendations for Council's consideration.
Key project updates, as well as the final Childcare Needs Assessment Report, will be posted to the project's Get Involved webpage. Those interested in keeping up with the project are encouraged to click the "subscribe" button on this page to receive project updates.
The City of Lethbridge is assessing the need for childcare within Lethbridge and exploring how the City can help encourage the creation of childcare spaces and programs in the community. We are looking for input from families who reside in Lethbridge and the surrounding area and who have children aged 0 to 12.
Thank you for taking the time to provide information that will help the City of Lethbridge understand our community’s current state and future needs for affordable and available childcare. If you have any questions, please call 311, or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge)
This survey will be open from March 6th to April 2nd.
To show our appreciation for your participation in this survey, all respondents may enter to win 1 of 2 $50 Visa gift cards. To enter to win the prize, fill out your contact information at the end of the survey.
Contact information will not be shared with any third party, connected to the survey responses, made public in any way or used for any other purpose.
Consultation has concluded
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Following the workshop on March 13th, the City is seeking further input from childcare providers to better understand the make up of the local childcare sector.
We've also gathered recommendations from the workshop on how the City can support the creation of additional childcare spaces. These suggestions have been grouped into 10 themes for you to rank based on how important you believe they are.
For those providers that couldn't attend the workshop, specific questions have been included for your organization to ensure you have an opportunity to provide feedback as well.
If you are not an owner/operator of a childcare facility, please use the public survey linked on the project's Get Involved page.
Consultation has concluded
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Project Planning
Childcare Needs Assessment has finished this stage
Community Survey
Childcare Needs Assessment has finished this stage
March 2024
Stakeholder Workshop
Childcare Needs Assessment has finished this stage
March 2024
Feedback Analysis
Childcare Needs Assessment has finished this stage
April - May 2024
Needs Assessment Report
Childcare Needs Assessment is currently at this stage