Welcome to getinvolvedlethbridge.ca! Your online hub to all events and projects in which your opinion matters. 

How do I get started?

  • Sign up to get started by selecting ‘Register’ at the top right of the page
  • Choose a username and a password
  • Provide your email address and postal code
  • You will receive an email to confirm your email address
  • Return to the main page and click the 'Sign In' button

Please note: your comments will appear under your username and you may comment anonymously through a username of your choice.

How can I provide input?

Your input may be submitted using the online options that are relevant to each of the projects that are currently open for consultation. In order to provide input you will be asked to sign in first.

What will getinvolvedlethbridge.ca do for me?

Public engagement usually involves attending an open house, public meeting or providing a letter to City Council. Using an online public engagement platform allows residents to provide input on projects and bring ideas forward, through a variety of online opportunities. 

  • It is a great way for you to keep up-to-date and provide your input
  • You can view comments and feedback that other residents are providing and respond with your own views
  • It's an opportunity to participate without having to attend a public engagement session in person
  • It's a way to still participate even if you missed a scheduled open house
  • Online engagement is available 24/7 so it is easy and convenient

Why do I need to sign up to this site to provide input?

Signing up will:

  • Ensure those participating are genuinely interested in engaging about Lethbridge and not just robots spamming the system
  • Provide users the option to subscribe to get updates emailed to them on certain projects. Don't worry, we won't send you anything unless you have subscribed to get updates
  • Allow you to comment on certain projects when a forum is available
  • Help us verify who is a resident of Lethbridge and who is a visitor

Can I use this site anonymously?

Yes, when you register and post comments, your anonymity is protected as you will be identified by your chosen screen name.

The City of Lethbridge will not reveal the identities of account holders.

When you subscribe for project updates, communication comes to you directly through the platform so your email address is only shared with the relevant project team.

What happens to my input?

All input and ideas are compiled and shared directly with the relevant project manager to inform the recommendation and/or decision making process.

Input provided online is used in collaboration with other in-person consultation activities like open houses, public meetings pop-up events, workshops and other similar activities.

All comments made at Get Involved Lethbridge become public records. Final information gathered on service level conversations, projects, or other city activities is shared with City Council as they are the final decision maker on consultation recommendations. 

Is my privacy protected?

Yes and the City will only use your email address to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations if you have requested this information. Your email address will not be distributed to third party vendors or used for other purposes and you can unsubscribe at any time.

For more information, see our Privacy Policy(External link)

Who can I contact about Get Involved Lethbridge?

Get Involved Lethbridge is coordinated by the City of Lethbridge's  public engagement team.

If you have any questions please contact communications@lethbridge.ca.

If you have any project-specific questions, you may contact the project manager directly. Look for ‘Who’s listening’ on each project page. We are here to help!

How is the site moderated?

Discussion forums, guest books and questions and answers are moderated 24 hours a day 7 days a week for inappropriate language, comments that disrespect other participants and for comments that are off topic. Moderators will guide off topic discussions back on track.

Site moderation is carried out by the online service provider and the City of Lethbridge. Moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately and the person who posted the comment is advised by email. Please refer to the moderation and etiquette guidelines.