Lethbridge Airport Accessibility Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Lethbridge Airport is committed to becoming a barrier-free, inclusive airport for people of all ages and abilities and to ensuring that every guest can fully participate in their airport experience. We strive to provide inclusive access to the joys of air travel through a safe and welcoming airport experience for everyone.

We are currently developing the Lethbridge Airport Accessibility Plan. At this time, we have completed the public feedback portion of the project. Thank you to those of you who took the time to ensure the needs of those that actually use the airport facilities were considered. Please view the Draft Accessibility Plan here.

Lethbridge Airport is committed to becoming a barrier-free, inclusive airport for people of all ages and abilities and to ensuring that every guest can fully participate in their airport experience. We strive to provide inclusive access to the joys of air travel through a safe and welcoming airport experience for everyone.

We are currently developing the Lethbridge Airport Accessibility Plan. At this time, we have completed the public feedback portion of the project. Thank you to those of you who took the time to ensure the needs of those that actually use the airport facilities were considered. Please view the Draft Accessibility Plan here.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please read the Lethbridge Airport Accessibility Plan and provide any feedback in the section below. We appreciate you taking the time to help enhance our services and further our goal of becoming a barrier-free airport. A copy of the plan can be found here: Draft Accessibility Plan

    Consultation has concluded
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