January 18 2023

Community Conversation at the Enmax

Community Conversations are a way to bring together City projects, including the Land Use Bylaw Renewal Project, providing community engagement in one convenient location making it easier for residents to participate.

Event will be hosted at the ENMAX Centre from 3 to 7pm.

August 23 2023

Official Project Launch

August 23 → October 03 2023

Social Uses online survey available

October 03 → October 04 2023

In-person social uses workshops

September 16 → October 24 2023

Pop-up engagement events and stakeholder meetings

The project team will be out in the community, raising awareness of the project at public places such as the library, grocery stores, and food banks, as well as meeting with interested stakeholders such as community organisations, social service providers, and committees.

October 23 2023

Community Conversation at the Enmax, 3-7pm

Community Conversations are a way to bring together City projects, including the Land Use Bylaw Renewal Project, providing community engagement in one convenient location making it easier for residents to participate.

Event will be hosted at the ENMAX Centre from 3 to 7pm.

November 15 2023

Open House at CASA, 3.30-7.30pm

At this open house event, the project team will share an overview of their proposed recommendations to City Council related to social uses in Land Use Bylaw 6300. The format is drop-in, i.e. come at a time convenient to you between 3.30-7.30pm, view the information boards and chat with staff.

Following this event, the project team will finalise their recommendations and submit them to City Council for first reading. The public hearing on the recommended changes to Land Use Bylaw 6300 regarding social uses will be held in Q1 of 2024, and will be advertised once a date is confirmed following first reading. 

November 15 → November 24 2023

Social uses recommendations boards and survey online

The presentation boards from the November 15, 2023 open house at CASA are also available online (project background info boards, and social uses proposals boards). Please view the boards and provide your feedback on the draft recommendations via this online survey, which will be available until November 24, 2023.

December 07 2023

Project update to Assets & Infrastructure Standing Policy Committee

The project team will provide an update to Civic Works Standing Policy Committee on the LUB Renewal project's progress and next steps.

February 27 2024

Council decision to cancel first reading of Bylaw 6437 (social uses)

At the February 27, 2024 meeting of City Council, Councillor Dodic brought forward a motion to cancel first reading of Bylaw 6437 (which would have amended LUB 6300 regulation of social uses) and direct staff to roll the proposed changes on social uses into the future new LUB (which is planned to go to Council in 2026). After a lot of debate and questions for staff, in which staff were asked questions about the impacts of not proceeding with a public hearing for Bylaw 6437, Council passed Councillor Dodic’s motion 6-2. You can watch a video of the meeting here (click on item 6.1 in the agenda to skip to that point in the video).(External link)

What this means:

  • Bylaw 6437 will not go forward to a public hearing, so there will not be an opportunity for you to provide your views to City Council on the proposed changes to social uses regulations at this time. There will be opportunities for further input on social uses when the new LUB is prepared, likely in early 2026.
  • Unless staff are otherwise directed by City Council, the status quo regulations around social uses will remain at least until the new LUB is brought to Council, currently anticipated in late 2026.

To all of you who gave up your time to take part in the extensive engagement on social uses over the past six months, we want to reassure you that your time was not wasted. All of your input on this topic has been captured in the Phase 1 What We Heard Report, which was submitted to Council along with draft Bylaw 6437. This information will be carried forward by the project team and used in drafting the new LUB in later phases of the project.

January 21 → June 30 2025

Phase 2 Engagement

During Phase 2, the project team will provide extensive and wide ranging engagement opportunities for all interested members of the public, on all topics relevant to the Land Use Bylaw (except social uses, which were covered in Phase 1 engagement). Topics covered in Phase 2 include things like housing/neighbourhoods, downtown, commercial and industrial districts, off-street parking requirements, and open space and public service districts. We encourage you to add your email address to the mailing list available on this page so we can keep you informed of upcoming engagement opportunities!