Interim Sober Shelter

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Consultation has concluded

At the direction of City Council, the City of Lethbridge is investigating the creation of an interim sober shelter in a portion of the former Civic Curling Centre. The City wants to hear from you on what can be done to make this a successful project for the entire community.

The public engagement for this project has now concluded. A summary of public engagement can be found in the project's What We Heard Report.

On November 29, 2022, City Council voted unanimously to rescind previous direction to apply for a development permit for this site and instead continue to explore this, and other possible sites. More information on this Council meeting can be found in the newsfeed.


The City is asking for your input in the areas over which it has oversight and jurisdiction and is committed to:

  • Gathering community feedback into a what we heard report;
  • Incorporating as much of the feedback as possible to guide next steps including but not limited to:
    1. Neighbourhood communications plan;
    2. Site and building designs; and,
    3. Lease agreement terms with a potential operator.

The funding and operation of social housing falls within the jurisdiction of the Government of Alberta.

You can give us your feedback in-person or online:

Community Open Houses
Saturday, Sept 24, 202210 a.m. - 2 p.m.City Hall, 910 4 Ave S
Monday, Sept 26, 20224 p.m. - 8 p.m.City Hall, 910 4 Ave S

Online survey
Sept 21 - Oct 6, 2022Interim Sober Shelter Survey

Project Background

What is being proposed?

The City is proposing to change the use of a portion of the former Civic Curling Centre at located at 905 6 Ave S. This change in use would be granted on a temporary basis for a set period of time. The result of this change of use in a portion of the building, would be to accommodate an interim sober shelter rather than a Sports and Recreation Facility.

What do we mean when we say shelter?

A shelter is defined in our Land Use Bylaw as: “development providing emergency overnight accommodation that may include kitchen and dining facilities, showers and bathrooms, relaxation areas and laundry facilities” 

Why is this being proposed?

On Aug 9, City Council directed city staff to prepare a plan and apply for development approval for an interim shelter at the Civic Ice Centre.

Who would own and who would operate this space?

The City of Lethbridge will be the owner, applicant, and project coordinator. An operator would be selected by the Government of Alberta.

What is the process for reviewing this project?

The City will need to apply for a development permit for a change of use for this property. The property’s current P-B (Public Building) zoning allows shelter as a discretionary use. However, this process requires public notification.

Once a complete application has been submitted, and prior to a decision being made the Development Officer will notify landowners within a minimum of 60m of the property, and a decision will be made within 40 days.

Once a decision on this application has been made, the public will be notified via an advertisement in the Lethbridge Herald, and on the City website in the public notifications section.

The decision may be appealed to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board up to 21 days after the advertisement in the Lethbridge Herald. Details will be included in the advertisement.

At the direction of City Council, the City of Lethbridge is investigating the creation of an interim sober shelter in a portion of the former Civic Curling Centre. The City wants to hear from you on what can be done to make this a successful project for the entire community.

The public engagement for this project has now concluded. A summary of public engagement can be found in the project's What We Heard Report.

On November 29, 2022, City Council voted unanimously to rescind previous direction to apply for a development permit for this site and instead continue to explore this, and other possible sites. More information on this Council meeting can be found in the newsfeed.


The City is asking for your input in the areas over which it has oversight and jurisdiction and is committed to:

  • Gathering community feedback into a what we heard report;
  • Incorporating as much of the feedback as possible to guide next steps including but not limited to:
    1. Neighbourhood communications plan;
    2. Site and building designs; and,
    3. Lease agreement terms with a potential operator.

The funding and operation of social housing falls within the jurisdiction of the Government of Alberta.

You can give us your feedback in-person or online:

Community Open Houses
Saturday, Sept 24, 202210 a.m. - 2 p.m.City Hall, 910 4 Ave S
Monday, Sept 26, 20224 p.m. - 8 p.m.City Hall, 910 4 Ave S

Online survey
Sept 21 - Oct 6, 2022Interim Sober Shelter Survey

Project Background

What is being proposed?

The City is proposing to change the use of a portion of the former Civic Curling Centre at located at 905 6 Ave S. This change in use would be granted on a temporary basis for a set period of time. The result of this change of use in a portion of the building, would be to accommodate an interim sober shelter rather than a Sports and Recreation Facility.

What do we mean when we say shelter?

A shelter is defined in our Land Use Bylaw as: “development providing emergency overnight accommodation that may include kitchen and dining facilities, showers and bathrooms, relaxation areas and laundry facilities” 

Why is this being proposed?

On Aug 9, City Council directed city staff to prepare a plan and apply for development approval for an interim shelter at the Civic Ice Centre.

Who would own and who would operate this space?

The City of Lethbridge will be the owner, applicant, and project coordinator. An operator would be selected by the Government of Alberta.

What is the process for reviewing this project?

The City will need to apply for a development permit for a change of use for this property. The property’s current P-B (Public Building) zoning allows shelter as a discretionary use. However, this process requires public notification.

Once a complete application has been submitted, and prior to a decision being made the Development Officer will notify landowners within a minimum of 60m of the property, and a decision will be made within 40 days.

Once a decision on this application has been made, the public will be notified via an advertisement in the Lethbridge Herald, and on the City website in the public notifications section.

The decision may be appealed to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board up to 21 days after the advertisement in the Lethbridge Herald. Details will be included in the advertisement.

Consultation has concluded
  • Council requests additional options for sober shelter location

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    City Council received a report outlining community feedback around the potential development of an interim sober shelter at the former Civic Curling Centre. Following the presentation, Council voted unanimously to rescind previous direction to apply for a development permit for this site and instead continue to explore this, and other possible sites.

    Administration has been directed to return to Cultural and Social Standing Policy Committee with alternative sites to consider. City Council also authorized the Mayor to write a letter to the Provincial Government requesting support on funding opportunities and the site selections for sober shelters in Lethbridge.

    From September 21 – October 6, the City hosted two open houses and held an online survey to collect ideas and feedback from residents around a sober shelter at the former Civic Curling Centre. The engagement focused on the things the City should consider in the development of the site and potential lease terms. This feedback was sought to determine how to best balance the needs of the vulnerable population and the expectations of the broader community.

    “I want to thank everyone who took the time to attend these events or give feedback online,” says Mayor Blaine Hyggen. “This was valuable information for Council’s consideration as we move forward. I was able to personally hear from a wide-range of community members on all sides of this topic.”

    Throughout the engagement, more than 220 people attended in-person events and 461 completed online surveys. The report provides a cross section of feedback from community members ranging from those very opposed to those in-favor and wanting even more action taken. Across the spectrum of opinions, the majority of community members agreed that this is a needed resource. Opposition was generally focused on the proposed site location and the current issues the nearby neighborhoods are facing.

    The work to develop an interim sober shelter location looks at mid-range options to address housing challenges in Lethbridge while also working towards long-term solutions.

    Council’s decision to move to the discussion on location to a standing policy committee will allow for additional community feedback and conversation.

    Full details of the What We Heard Report for the Civic Curling Centre location are available for public to view at

  • PSA - City seeks feedback on development of potential sober shelter

    Share PSA - City seeks feedback on development of potential sober shelter on Facebook Share PSA - City seeks feedback on development of potential sober shelter on Twitter Share PSA - City seeks feedback on development of potential sober shelter on Linkedin Email PSA - City seeks feedback on development of potential sober shelter link

    As the City of Lethbridge investigates what is required to develop a potential interim sober shelter at the former Civic Curling Centre, the public are invited to join the conversation. The City is seeking feedback on what can be done to make this a successful project for the entire community.

    The funding and operation of social housing falls within the jurisdiction of the Government of Alberta but the City can support these efforts by ensuring an appropriate space is ready should funding become available. From the City’s side, these efforts include gathering and evaluating community feedback, identifying potential budgetary implications, submitting development permit applications which includes change of use and developing lease agreement terms for a potential operator.

    Residents are invited to bring their ideas to a community Open House later this month. The event will provide context as to the community need, the role of the City and what the next steps will be in the development process. Participants will be asked what steps should be considered in the development of this project to help these much needed resources successfully move forward while still meeting the expectations of the community.

    Community Open House

    Date & Time: Saturday, September 24 | 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Monday, September 26 | 4 to 8 p.m.

    Location: City Hall Foyer

    Residents can also learn more and provide feedback online. An upcoming survey will be available at from September 21 – October 6.

    Addressing social issues requires a community response and while it is understandable that there may be concerns, there is also an opportunity to find collective solutions that will best support all Lethbridge residents.

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