University Drive Twinning

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Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your feedback.

2019 construction coming to an end on University Drive Twinning

Lane Reductions for Paving on University Drive

September 11, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Saturday, September 12.

Road work will be taking place along the entire project limits to complete the final phase of paving. This work will be completed in two stages and take seven days, weather permitting.

Stage 1 – southbound lanes

  • Starting on September 12
  • To be completed on September 15

Stage 2 – northbound lanes

  • Starting on September 16
  • To be completed on September 18

Traffic will be switched to the opposing lanes during each stage. Motorists are advised to drive with caution in the area and to follow all construction and detour signs.

Required detours will be set up to accommodate each intersection closure.

Pedestrian traffic will be accommodated at Grand River Blvd. for students at the beginning and end of the school day.

City Transit will accommodate bus routes accordingly.

Sunridge Boulevard closure for University Drive twinning

August 6, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, August 11, weather permitting.

To complete the roadway twinning construction west of the Sunridge roundabout, Sunridge Boulevard from University Drive to the roundabout at Mt. Sundance Road West will be closed to traffic. Vehicle traffic will be detoured to Rocky Mtn. Boulevard West to access University Drive during this time.

To safely accommodate the work, the access will be closed starting at 9 a.m. on August 11 for approximately three weeks, weather permitting. The goal is to be done this phase before school begins on August 31.

For the safety of construction workers, motorists are advised to drive with caution and to follow all construction and detour signs.

Commercial access closure for University Drive twinning

July 17, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 20, weather permitting.

To complete the roadway twinning construction south of the Sunridge roundabout, northbound and southbound University Drive traffic will be switched onto the new east side lanes.

This construction and traffic switch will cause the closure of the commercial access on the west side of University Drive, south of Sunridge Boulevard.

This stage is expected to take about three weeks, weather permitting. For the safety of construction workers, motorists are advised to drive with caution and to follow all construction and detour signs.

June 11, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Saturday, June 13, weather permitting.

Traffic on University Drive West between Grand River Boulevard West and Macleod Drive will be diverted to two-way traffic on the existing northbound lanes. The southbound lanes will be closed for the next phase of construction. A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep workers and the public safe.

This stage is expected to be completed by June 20, weather permitting.

Both lanes of traffic north of the SunRidge roundabout will be reopened for this phase of the construction.

May 26, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Thursday, May 28, weather permitting.

Traffic on University Drive between Grand River Blvd West and the SunRidge roundabout will be diverted to the two newly constructed lanes, maintaining two way traffic. The existing lanes will be closed for the next phase of roundabout construction. A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep workers and the public safe.

This stage is expected to be completed by June 20, weather permitting.

Both lanes of traffic on RiverGlen Link West, east of the SunRidge roundabout, will reopened for this phase of the construction.

May 14, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 19, weather permitting.

Both lanes of traffic on RiverGlen Link West, east of the SunRidge roundabout, will be closed for this phase of the construction as crews work to expand the roundabout to two lanes.

A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep workers and the public safe. Work is expected to last until the end of the day Saturday, May 23, weather permitting.

April 22, 2020

The next phase of construction for 2020 on the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin Thursday April 23, weather permitting.

The westbound traffic on RiverGlen Link will close on April 23 for the first phase of construction on the University Drive and SunRidge Blvd roundabout. This work will include the widening of the northeast corner to accommodate the eventual two lane roundabout at this location. This detour is expected to take two weeks, weather permitting. A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep the workers and public safe. This work will not impact access to the SunRidge neighborhood.

On April 27, traffic will be down to a single southbound lane on University Dr. W. for the installation of the underground electrical duct bank at McLeod Dr. W. The northbound lanes will not be impacted with the southbound lane closure anticipated to be in place for one week, weather permitting.

Future stages of work will involve partial intersection closures throughout the spring/summer and information will be provided to the public in advance of these stages. This project is anticipated to be completed by late 2020.

University Drive W is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive W to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity for handling increasing traffic volumes.

Construction work starting back up on University Drive twinning Starting March 2!

February 28, 2020

Lethbridge residents will notice construction crews returning to work on the University Drive twinning project starting Monday, March 2.

Much of the work being completed at this time is underground utilities and will not require any road closures or detours.

As spring approaches and weather improves, construction will shift to completing the twinning of University Drive from Grand River Blvd to SunRidge Blvd. This includes the reconstruction of the SunRidge Blvd roundabout. Residents can expect delays in this area over the construction season.

University Drive W is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive W to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity for handling increasing traffic volumes. The project is expected to be complete in November 2020.

Grand River Blvd. West Opening Saturday November 23!

November 23, 2019

Riverglen Link West was paved and opened today. The intersection of Grand River Blvd. West is also being paved to prepare for the winter shutdown of the University Twinning project. In the next few days barriers and signage will replace cones and barricades to transfer the project limits back to the City of Lethbridge for winter maintenance.

Grand River Blvd. West Opening Saturday November 9!

November 8, 2019

As the latest phase of construction on the University Drive Twinning project wraps up, Grand River Blvd intersection will re-open at9:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 9. Along with this opening, the final two northbound lanes between Grand River Blvd and RiverStone Blvd will also open to traffic.

Although crews initially though they would wrap up construction at this point, they will be taking the opportunity to complete some underground utility installation.

On Monday November 11, weather permitting, the eastbound lanes of Riverglen Link West will be closed for the installation of underground utilities. Northbound and southbound traffic on University Drive W will not be impacted. This phase of work is anticipated to take two weeks to complete.

The mid-block pedestrian crossing will remain south of the Grand River Blvd W and will be in place until the permanent traffic lights are installed by City of Lethbridge crews.

University Drive West is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive West to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity for handling increasing traffic volumes.

October 31, 2019

Construction crews are pushing to complete as much work as possible over the next week before winter shut down on the University Drive Twinning project. Intersection work is now complete at University Drive and Grand River Blvd, however, the intersection remains closed to accommodate work on the two new lanes from RiverStone Blvd to Grand River Blvd.

Early snow fall and a cold, wet fall have been challenging but crews are hopeful that work can wrap up later next week for the2019 season. At that time, the Grand River Blvd intersection will re-open to traffic entering and exiting the RiverStone neighborhood.

With high construction traffic in the area, it was decided that it would be safer to keep the intersection closed for the next week and allow crews to work more efficiently on the construction still remaining. We thank residents from their patience and understand as we work hard to complete construction and keep residents and workers safe.

Given the current weather forecast, it is unclear if the new lanes will be opened between Grand River Blvd and RiverStone Blvd before the winter shut down but crews will be pushing to make that happen. If that work can’t be completed, traffic accommodations will be put in place and the Grand River Blvd intersection will re-open for the remainder of the winter.

The mid-block pedestrian crossing will remain south of the Grand River Blvd W and will be in place until the permanent traffic lights are installed by City of Lethbridge crews.

University Drive W is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive W to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity forhandling increasing traffic volumes.

October 11, 2019

Significant snow fall over the last two weeks has caused further delays in the opening of the Grand River Blvd and University Drive intersection. Barring any further weather challenges, construction contractors anticipate completing the work by the end of October.

Residents in RiverStone, are asked to continue usingRiverStone Blvd W or Riverglen Link W to access University Drive W.

September 25, 2019

Work is moving along well on the University Drive twinning project but weather and challenges with underground utilities have caused a delay in the re-opening of the Grand River Blvd intersection. Those accessing the RiverStone neighbourhood via Grand River Blvd can now expected thei ntersection to re-open on October 11, rather than the original September 30 timeline.

This phase of the project involves intersection expansion and installation of underground utilities.

Residents in RiverStone, are asked to continue using RiverStone Blvd West or Riverglen Link West to access University Drive West.

August 28, 2019

University Drive pedestrian detour changes for back-to-school for September 3, 2019. With classes ready to resume next week, parents, children and school staff should be aware of changes to the pedestrian detour in place as part of the University Drive twinning construciton project.

As of Friday, August 30, the mid-block crossing that has been in place North of Grand River Blvd will move just South of Grand River Blvd. This will help accommodate children getting to and from St. Patrick Fine Arts Elementary School, Dr. Gerald B. Probe School and Senator Fairbairn Middle School. This crossing will be equiped with pedestrian activated flashing lights to enhance safety (see attached map).

A detour for vehicles also remains in place to direct RiverStone traffic to access University Drive West from Riverstone Blvd or Riverglen Link.

On August 6, the intersection of Grand River Blvd West and University Drive West was closed to accommodate the current phase of construction. It is anticipated that Grand River Blvd West will be reopened the week of September 30, 2019.

For everyone’s safety, residents are reminded of the importance of follow the construction site signage and detours in place and to walk and drive with extra caution in the construction zone.

August 1, 2019

The next phase of construction on the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin, weather permitting, on August 6, 2019and remain in place for eight weeks. In this phase, the RiverStone Blvd intersection will re-open and work will move south to the University Drive and Grand River Blvd / Rocky Mtn. Blvd W intersection.

To complete this phase, the east leg of the intersection will be closed for this duration. Northbound and southbound traffic on University Drive W will not be impacted. The work will involve an intersection expansion and the installation of underground utilities.

Residents in RiverStone, are asked to use RiverStone Blvd W or Riverglen Link W to access University Drive W.

The mid-block pedestrian crossing will be relocated closer to Grand River Blvd W prior to school starting on September 3, 2019.

July 8, 2019

The construction is progressing quickly do to the great spring weather.. The Contractor has started to work from the north limit of the project and work their way south starting with the new road lanes (behind the curb) and tying the intersections in as they move forward opening new driving lanes when completed. City forces have installed new temporary signal lights to manage traffic throughout construction. The Duct Bank installations have started and utilities are being installed as the contractor continues to move south along University Drive West.

June 11, 2019

The next phase of construction on the University Drive twinning project is expected to begin on Thursday, June 13 and will restrict access in and out of the RiverStone neighborhood via RiverStone Blvd. Residents are asked to use Grand River Blvd West to access University Drive West while this closure is in place.

Weather permitting, this work is expected to be complete by August, 2019.

This phase of the project will involve an intersection expansion and the installation of underground utilities at University Drive and RiverStone Blvd West / Macleod Drive West The east side of the intersection will be closed for this work but north and southbound traffic will continue using the west lanes (see attached map).

The University Driver twinning project will see four lanes of traffic constructed from north of Community Stadium to south of the Sunridge roundabout. This important transportation initiative will increase the road’s capacity to handle growing traffic volumes in the area.

June 6, 2019

Work continues on the City’s University Drive West twinning project and on Saturday, June 8, the lane reduction and detour currently in place at McGill Blvd. West will move to the Community Stadium access. This will open up the full four lanes of traffic (two south and two north) from McGill Blvd to the Stadium and allow for left hand turns on to McGill Blvd from northbound University Drive.

The next stage of work will involve a partial intersection closure at Riverstone Blvd. Additional community updates will be provided ahead of this work.

The University Dr. twinning project will see four lanes of traffic constructed from north of Community Stadium to south of the Sunridge roundabout. This important transportation initiative will increase the road’s capacity to handle growing traffic volumes in the area.

Change to West Lethbridge road construction to minimize congestion
May 23, 2019

To help reduce traffic pressures from two major road construction projects on the south end of west Lethbridge, immediate and ongoing changes are being made to construction plans and traffic management.

The City will be delaying improvements at McMaster Blvd. W., Macleod Dr. W. and Mt. Burke Blvd. W. and the north/south movement through the intersection will re-open later this evening. This will be in effect until the congestion on University Dr. can be accommodated.

Starting today, the length of the north/south green lights has been extended to help more traffic flow along University Dr. This is anticipated to help manage the peak volumes during commuting hours.

Additional signage will be added and dedicated flag people will be in place on University Dr., particularly around the Community Stadium during upcoming events.

Many residents have expressed concerns with emergency response to the impacted neighbourhoods. Lethbridge Emergency Services has been involved in the planning of these projects in order to manage their response times. Residents are reminded to quickly and safely pull to the right whenever they come across an emergency vehicle and allow them to pass.

The City has a traffic management plan in the event of an emergency such as an evacuation which is adaptable to all areas of the city. This process includes road closures to flow all available lanes of traffic in one direction and safely move residents as quickly as possible.

Within the next two weeks, work will progress on University Dr. opening up an additional two lanes north of the Community Stadium which will increase traffic flow.

The City of Lethbridge will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as required. This is particularly important while schools are still in and to keep these projects on schedule.

We recognize the impact this has had on the west Lethbridge community and thank residents for their patience and understanding. We appreciate the public’s feedback and will provide ongoing construction updates to keep motorists informed.

Past Project Updates

May 2019:

The closure is complete (May 10) and the all lanes are fully open!

Starting May 10, crews will have eastbound Macleod Drive West closed for work on the University Drive Twinning project. This closure should only be in place for a couple of days, weather permitting. Please follow detour signage and drive with caution in this area.

April 2019:

Construction begins with the initial stage of the new northbound lanes being developed off University Drive in the large grassed boulevard east of the road.

This will include the expansion of University Drive to two lanes in each direction from north of the Community Stadium access to south of the SunRidge roundabout. This work will expand capacity to help manage increasing traffic volumes in this area.

Recognizing the University Twinning project and the construction of Great Bear Blvd. will have a significant impact on westside commuters, the City will be coordinating detours and construction to minimize disruption to traffic.

March 2019:

Road construction on University Drive is estimated to be near the SunRidge commercial area in July or August 2019.

The right-in / right-out from University Drive into the SunRidge commercial area will remain open as much as possible during construction.

Additional information will be provided on an ongoing basis as work progresses.

As part of the Community Conversation Event held March 12 at City Hall, the University Drive project team displayed a Construction Staging Slide Show and an overall Design Board:

September 2018:

The project design is nearing 75% completion. Some early work has begun to prep the site for construction next year. This includes removal of two groups of trees along University Drive. This area was needed to make room for the eventual addition of traffic lanes.

Residents may also notice some surveying along University Dr. as crews work to locate underground utilities as part of the design process.

Lane Reductions for Paving on University Drive

September 11, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Saturday, September 12.

Road work will be taking place along the entire project limits to complete the final phase of paving. This work will be completed in two stages and take seven days, weather permitting.

Stage 1 – southbound lanes

  • Starting on September 12
  • To be completed on September 15

Stage 2 – northbound lanes

  • Starting on September 16
  • To be completed on September 18

Traffic will be switched to the opposing lanes during each stage. Motorists are advised to drive with caution in the area and to follow all construction and detour signs.

Required detours will be set up to accommodate each intersection closure.

Pedestrian traffic will be accommodated at Grand River Blvd. for students at the beginning and end of the school day.

City Transit will accommodate bus routes accordingly.

Sunridge Boulevard closure for University Drive twinning

August 6, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, August 11, weather permitting.

To complete the roadway twinning construction west of the Sunridge roundabout, Sunridge Boulevard from University Drive to the roundabout at Mt. Sundance Road West will be closed to traffic. Vehicle traffic will be detoured to Rocky Mtn. Boulevard West to access University Drive during this time.

To safely accommodate the work, the access will be closed starting at 9 a.m. on August 11 for approximately three weeks, weather permitting. The goal is to be done this phase before school begins on August 31.

For the safety of construction workers, motorists are advised to drive with caution and to follow all construction and detour signs.

Commercial access closure for University Drive twinning

July 17, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 20, weather permitting.

To complete the roadway twinning construction south of the Sunridge roundabout, northbound and southbound University Drive traffic will be switched onto the new east side lanes.

This construction and traffic switch will cause the closure of the commercial access on the west side of University Drive, south of Sunridge Boulevard.

This stage is expected to take about three weeks, weather permitting. For the safety of construction workers, motorists are advised to drive with caution and to follow all construction and detour signs.

June 11, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Saturday, June 13, weather permitting.

Traffic on University Drive West between Grand River Boulevard West and Macleod Drive will be diverted to two-way traffic on the existing northbound lanes. The southbound lanes will be closed for the next phase of construction. A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep workers and the public safe.

This stage is expected to be completed by June 20, weather permitting.

Both lanes of traffic north of the SunRidge roundabout will be reopened for this phase of the construction.

May 26, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Thursday, May 28, weather permitting.

Traffic on University Drive between Grand River Blvd West and the SunRidge roundabout will be diverted to the two newly constructed lanes, maintaining two way traffic. The existing lanes will be closed for the next phase of roundabout construction. A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep workers and the public safe.

This stage is expected to be completed by June 20, weather permitting.

Both lanes of traffic on RiverGlen Link West, east of the SunRidge roundabout, will reopened for this phase of the construction.

May 14, 2020

The next phase of construction for the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 19, weather permitting.

Both lanes of traffic on RiverGlen Link West, east of the SunRidge roundabout, will be closed for this phase of the construction as crews work to expand the roundabout to two lanes.

A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep workers and the public safe. Work is expected to last until the end of the day Saturday, May 23, weather permitting.

April 22, 2020

The next phase of construction for 2020 on the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin Thursday April 23, weather permitting.

The westbound traffic on RiverGlen Link will close on April 23 for the first phase of construction on the University Drive and SunRidge Blvd roundabout. This work will include the widening of the northeast corner to accommodate the eventual two lane roundabout at this location. This detour is expected to take two weeks, weather permitting. A pedestrian detour will be in place to keep the workers and public safe. This work will not impact access to the SunRidge neighborhood.

On April 27, traffic will be down to a single southbound lane on University Dr. W. for the installation of the underground electrical duct bank at McLeod Dr. W. The northbound lanes will not be impacted with the southbound lane closure anticipated to be in place for one week, weather permitting.

Future stages of work will involve partial intersection closures throughout the spring/summer and information will be provided to the public in advance of these stages. This project is anticipated to be completed by late 2020.

University Drive W is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive W to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity for handling increasing traffic volumes.

Construction work starting back up on University Drive twinning Starting March 2!

February 28, 2020

Lethbridge residents will notice construction crews returning to work on the University Drive twinning project starting Monday, March 2.

Much of the work being completed at this time is underground utilities and will not require any road closures or detours.

As spring approaches and weather improves, construction will shift to completing the twinning of University Drive from Grand River Blvd to SunRidge Blvd. This includes the reconstruction of the SunRidge Blvd roundabout. Residents can expect delays in this area over the construction season.

University Drive W is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive W to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity for handling increasing traffic volumes. The project is expected to be complete in November 2020.

Grand River Blvd. West Opening Saturday November 23!

November 23, 2019

Riverglen Link West was paved and opened today. The intersection of Grand River Blvd. West is also being paved to prepare for the winter shutdown of the University Twinning project. In the next few days barriers and signage will replace cones and barricades to transfer the project limits back to the City of Lethbridge for winter maintenance.

Grand River Blvd. West Opening Saturday November 9!

November 8, 2019

As the latest phase of construction on the University Drive Twinning project wraps up, Grand River Blvd intersection will re-open at9:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 9. Along with this opening, the final two northbound lanes between Grand River Blvd and RiverStone Blvd will also open to traffic.

Although crews initially though they would wrap up construction at this point, they will be taking the opportunity to complete some underground utility installation.

On Monday November 11, weather permitting, the eastbound lanes of Riverglen Link West will be closed for the installation of underground utilities. Northbound and southbound traffic on University Drive W will not be impacted. This phase of work is anticipated to take two weeks to complete.

The mid-block pedestrian crossing will remain south of the Grand River Blvd W and will be in place until the permanent traffic lights are installed by City of Lethbridge crews.

University Drive West is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive West to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity for handling increasing traffic volumes.

October 31, 2019

Construction crews are pushing to complete as much work as possible over the next week before winter shut down on the University Drive Twinning project. Intersection work is now complete at University Drive and Grand River Blvd, however, the intersection remains closed to accommodate work on the two new lanes from RiverStone Blvd to Grand River Blvd.

Early snow fall and a cold, wet fall have been challenging but crews are hopeful that work can wrap up later next week for the2019 season. At that time, the Grand River Blvd intersection will re-open to traffic entering and exiting the RiverStone neighborhood.

With high construction traffic in the area, it was decided that it would be safer to keep the intersection closed for the next week and allow crews to work more efficiently on the construction still remaining. We thank residents from their patience and understand as we work hard to complete construction and keep residents and workers safe.

Given the current weather forecast, it is unclear if the new lanes will be opened between Grand River Blvd and RiverStone Blvd before the winter shut down but crews will be pushing to make that happen. If that work can’t be completed, traffic accommodations will be put in place and the Grand River Blvd intersection will re-open for the remainder of the winter.

The mid-block pedestrian crossing will remain south of the Grand River Blvd W and will be in place until the permanent traffic lights are installed by City of Lethbridge crews.

University Drive W is being twinned from north of Stadium Drive W to south of SunRidge Blvd W to increase the roadway’s capacity forhandling increasing traffic volumes.

October 11, 2019

Significant snow fall over the last two weeks has caused further delays in the opening of the Grand River Blvd and University Drive intersection. Barring any further weather challenges, construction contractors anticipate completing the work by the end of October.

Residents in RiverStone, are asked to continue usingRiverStone Blvd W or Riverglen Link W to access University Drive W.

September 25, 2019

Work is moving along well on the University Drive twinning project but weather and challenges with underground utilities have caused a delay in the re-opening of the Grand River Blvd intersection. Those accessing the RiverStone neighbourhood via Grand River Blvd can now expected thei ntersection to re-open on October 11, rather than the original September 30 timeline.

This phase of the project involves intersection expansion and installation of underground utilities.

Residents in RiverStone, are asked to continue using RiverStone Blvd West or Riverglen Link West to access University Drive West.

August 28, 2019

University Drive pedestrian detour changes for back-to-school for September 3, 2019. With classes ready to resume next week, parents, children and school staff should be aware of changes to the pedestrian detour in place as part of the University Drive twinning construciton project.

As of Friday, August 30, the mid-block crossing that has been in place North of Grand River Blvd will move just South of Grand River Blvd. This will help accommodate children getting to and from St. Patrick Fine Arts Elementary School, Dr. Gerald B. Probe School and Senator Fairbairn Middle School. This crossing will be equiped with pedestrian activated flashing lights to enhance safety (see attached map).

A detour for vehicles also remains in place to direct RiverStone traffic to access University Drive West from Riverstone Blvd or Riverglen Link.

On August 6, the intersection of Grand River Blvd West and University Drive West was closed to accommodate the current phase of construction. It is anticipated that Grand River Blvd West will be reopened the week of September 30, 2019.

For everyone’s safety, residents are reminded of the importance of follow the construction site signage and detours in place and to walk and drive with extra caution in the construction zone.

August 1, 2019

The next phase of construction on the University Drive Twinning project is scheduled to begin, weather permitting, on August 6, 2019and remain in place for eight weeks. In this phase, the RiverStone Blvd intersection will re-open and work will move south to the University Drive and Grand River Blvd / Rocky Mtn. Blvd W intersection.

To complete this phase, the east leg of the intersection will be closed for this duration. Northbound and southbound traffic on University Drive W will not be impacted. The work will involve an intersection expansion and the installation of underground utilities.

Residents in RiverStone, are asked to use RiverStone Blvd W or Riverglen Link W to access University Drive W.

The mid-block pedestrian crossing will be relocated closer to Grand River Blvd W prior to school starting on September 3, 2019.

July 8, 2019

The construction is progressing quickly do to the great spring weather.. The Contractor has started to work from the north limit of the project and work their way south starting with the new road lanes (behind the curb) and tying the intersections in as they move forward opening new driving lanes when completed. City forces have installed new temporary signal lights to manage traffic throughout construction. The Duct Bank installations have started and utilities are being installed as the contractor continues to move south along University Drive West.

June 11, 2019

The next phase of construction on the University Drive twinning project is expected to begin on Thursday, June 13 and will restrict access in and out of the RiverStone neighborhood via RiverStone Blvd. Residents are asked to use Grand River Blvd West to access University Drive West while this closure is in place.

Weather permitting, this work is expected to be complete by August, 2019.

This phase of the project will involve an intersection expansion and the installation of underground utilities at University Drive and RiverStone Blvd West / Macleod Drive West The east side of the intersection will be closed for this work but north and southbound traffic will continue using the west lanes (see attached map).

The University Driver twinning project will see four lanes of traffic constructed from north of Community Stadium to south of the Sunridge roundabout. This important transportation initiative will increase the road’s capacity to handle growing traffic volumes in the area.

June 6, 2019

Work continues on the City’s University Drive West twinning project and on Saturday, June 8, the lane reduction and detour currently in place at McGill Blvd. West will move to the Community Stadium access. This will open up the full four lanes of traffic (two south and two north) from McGill Blvd to the Stadium and allow for left hand turns on to McGill Blvd from northbound University Drive.

The next stage of work will involve a partial intersection closure at Riverstone Blvd. Additional community updates will be provided ahead of this work.

The University Dr. twinning project will see four lanes of traffic constructed from north of Community Stadium to south of the Sunridge roundabout. This important transportation initiative will increase the road’s capacity to handle growing traffic volumes in the area.

Change to West Lethbridge road construction to minimize congestion
May 23, 2019

To help reduce traffic pressures from two major road construction projects on the south end of west Lethbridge, immediate and ongoing changes are being made to construction plans and traffic management.

The City will be delaying improvements at McMaster Blvd. W., Macleod Dr. W. and Mt. Burke Blvd. W. and the north/south movement through the intersection will re-open later this evening. This will be in effect until the congestion on University Dr. can be accommodated.

Starting today, the length of the north/south green lights has been extended to help more traffic flow along University Dr. This is anticipated to help manage the peak volumes during commuting hours.

Additional signage will be added and dedicated flag people will be in place on University Dr., particularly around the Community Stadium during upcoming events.

Many residents have expressed concerns with emergency response to the impacted neighbourhoods. Lethbridge Emergency Services has been involved in the planning of these projects in order to manage their response times. Residents are reminded to quickly and safely pull to the right whenever they come across an emergency vehicle and allow them to pass.

The City has a traffic management plan in the event of an emergency such as an evacuation which is adaptable to all areas of the city. This process includes road closures to flow all available lanes of traffic in one direction and safely move residents as quickly as possible.

Within the next two weeks, work will progress on University Dr. opening up an additional two lanes north of the Community Stadium which will increase traffic flow.

The City of Lethbridge will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as required. This is particularly important while schools are still in and to keep these projects on schedule.

We recognize the impact this has had on the west Lethbridge community and thank residents for their patience and understanding. We appreciate the public’s feedback and will provide ongoing construction updates to keep motorists informed.

Past Project Updates

May 2019:

The closure is complete (May 10) and the all lanes are fully open!

Starting May 10, crews will have eastbound Macleod Drive West closed for work on the University Drive Twinning project. This closure should only be in place for a couple of days, weather permitting. Please follow detour signage and drive with caution in this area.

April 2019:

Construction begins with the initial stage of the new northbound lanes being developed off University Drive in the large grassed boulevard east of the road.

This will include the expansion of University Drive to two lanes in each direction from north of the Community Stadium access to south of the SunRidge roundabout. This work will expand capacity to help manage increasing traffic volumes in this area.

Recognizing the University Twinning project and the construction of Great Bear Blvd. will have a significant impact on westside commuters, the City will be coordinating detours and construction to minimize disruption to traffic.

March 2019:

Road construction on University Drive is estimated to be near the SunRidge commercial area in July or August 2019.

The right-in / right-out from University Drive into the SunRidge commercial area will remain open as much as possible during construction.

Additional information will be provided on an ongoing basis as work progresses.

As part of the Community Conversation Event held March 12 at City Hall, the University Drive project team displayed a Construction Staging Slide Show and an overall Design Board:

September 2018:

The project design is nearing 75% completion. Some early work has begun to prep the site for construction next year. This includes removal of two groups of trees along University Drive. This area was needed to make room for the eventual addition of traffic lanes.

Residents may also notice some surveying along University Dr. as crews work to locate underground utilities as part of the design process.

Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Share Will the section of road currently posted at 50km/hr be increased to 60km/hr when University Drive twinning is completed ? on Facebook Share Will the section of road currently posted at 50km/hr be increased to 60km/hr when University Drive twinning is completed ? on Twitter Share Will the section of road currently posted at 50km/hr be increased to 60km/hr when University Drive twinning is completed ? on Linkedin Email Will the section of road currently posted at 50km/hr be increased to 60km/hr when University Drive twinning is completed ? link

    Will the section of road currently posted at 50km/hr be increased to 60km/hr when University Drive twinning is completed ?

    Karen Carney asked about 6 years ago

    Yes, when the project is complete the speed with be posted at 60km/h