Water Conservation Plan
March 2025
Attention local businesses!
Join us in the Culver City Meeting Room at City Hall on Monday, March 3 for two drop-in sessions between 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and 5 - 7 p.m. to hear about the proposed changes to water rates.
April 2024
Thank you for your input on the Water Conservation Plan and Strategy. You can read the full Water Conservation Plan and Strategy here.
January 2024
The City is preparing a water conservation plan and we are collecting feedback on your current water consumption and conservation initiatives the City may consider implementing. The survey is open January 23 - February 7, 2024.
Be sure to register your email on the 'Stay Informed' widget for updates to the project as it progresses.
The last three years have brought droughts and water shortages to various parts of Alberta, including most of southern Alberta last summer. Compounding this situation, El Niño is producing a warm and dry winter across Canada and more than 70 per cent of the country is experiencing drought conditions.
Alberta relies on melting snow and rain for most of its water. This winter, snowfall is well below average, many rivers are at or near record lows and multiple reservoirs remain well below capacity. Alberta Environment and Protected Areas has indicated that without significant precipitation, spring water levels are expected to be dire. In response, the City of Lethbridge is preparing a water conservation plan to initiate long-term behavioral changes in water usage and will include an update to the existing Water Rationing Plan. The Water Conservation Plan will detail the current water availability situation, opportunities for voluntary water conservation initiatives and regulatory changes to curb water usage behaviour. The Water Conservation Plan will be applicable to all water users within city limits.