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Festival Square Concept Design Survey

In early July, the intersection at 3rd Avenue and 6th Street South will be closed as part of the first phase of the 3rd Avenue Reconstruction project, while this phase will only take a few months this is the start of a project that will encompass the better part of the next two years. Upon completion 3rd Avenue will be transformed into a much more vibrant and safer environment for pedestrians. 

To build off of this project, the City, Heart of Our City and the Downtown BRZ have been discussing about making improvements to Festival Square (corner of 3 Ave and 6 St S) as a logical next step in the ongoing efforts of revitalization in Downtown. As such, Stantec Consulting Ltd. and their team of urban designers have been engaged in developing several conceptual design options based on previous plans and studies as well as discussions with City, HOC, and Downtown BRZ. 

We are now looking to share these options with stakeholders and users of the Downtown to find out what components you like, dislike, and any other thoughts you may have! We hope you are able to take 15-20 minutes to review the supporting information, three (3) concept designs, and provide us your feedback through a survey.