
#OurDowntown is an opportunity to highlight and share information on the revitalization efforts in Downtown Lethbridge as well as an opportunity for the public to participate in an ongoing conversation by contributing with comments, questions, ideas, and suggestions on social media with#OurDowntown or by contributing to this Get Involved Lethbridge conversation as opportunities arise.
#OurDowntown is an opportunity to highlight and share information on the revitalization efforts in Downtown Lethbridge as well as an opportunity for the public to participate in an ongoing conversation by contributing with comments, questions, ideas, and suggestions on social media with#OurDowntown or by contributing to this Get Involved Lethbridge conversation as opportunities arise.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
As part of the City of Lethbridge's ongoing efforts to revitalize the urban core you may have noticed the replacement of old street lights throughout the core over the last few weeks with our new modern lights. We are now looking at 6th Street and based on the unique design of the street and in recognition of the construction based impacts you have faced over the last year we wanted to conduct a touch base to understand the preferences of the businesses on 6th.
Please complete the poll below with your preference and we will do our very best to accommodate the preferred option. In both options the sidewalks should be able to remain open for pedestrian access to businesses.
Thank you,
Crystal Scheit, Senior Project Administrator
Andrew Malcolm, Urban Revitalization Manager
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Share Lethbridge Downtown (HOC/BIA/City) Working Group Survey on Facebook Share Lethbridge Downtown (HOC/BIA/City) Working Group Survey on Twitter Share Lethbridge Downtown (HOC/BIA/City) Working Group Survey on Linkedin Email Lethbridge Downtown (HOC/BIA/City) Working Group Survey link
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
In early July, the intersection at 3rd Avenue and 6th Street South will be closed as part of the first phase of the 3rd Avenue Reconstruction project, while this phase will only take a few months this is the start of a project that will encompass the better part of the next two years. Upon completion 3rd Avenue will be transformed into a much more vibrant and safer environment for pedestrians.
To build off of this project, the City, Heart of Our City and the Downtown BRZ have been discussing about making improvements to Festival Square (corner of 3 Ave and 6 St S) as a logical next step in the ongoing efforts of revitalization in Downtown. As such, Stantec Consulting Ltd. and their team of urban designers have been engaged in developing several conceptual design options based on previous plans and studies as well as discussions with City, HOC, and Downtown BRZ.
We are now looking to share these options with stakeholders and users of the Downtown to find out what components you like, dislike, and any other thoughts you may have! We hope you are able to take 15-20 minutes to review the supporting information, three (3) concept designs, and provide us your feedback through a survey.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
On June 22nd the Downtown BRZ, Heart of Our City Committee, and City of Lethbridge jointly announced a new and refreshed look for Downtown Lethbridge brand. As part of the next steps of implementing the brand, the downtown is looking to develop a better understanding of those citizens who currently use the downtown and how they would like to use the downtown into the future. This will allow for the evaluation of what services and amenities are missing from the downtown, and how to attract and retain businesses, organizations and residents in those spaces.
Please take a few moments to complete the following public survey, it will remain open until July 24th, 2020.
For more information on the refreshed Downtown Lethbridge brand check out www.downtownlethbridge.com.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Prior to the development of this public survey, twenty-two (22) stakeholder interviews were completed. Through these interviews it was made clear that concerns regarding public safety/security (real and perceived) in the downtown are critical to place at the forefront of the Downtown Personas as an overarching influence that impacts all users of Downtown Lethbridge. However, to best utilize the survey for its intended purpose of better understanding a holistic picture of current and future downtown users we strongly encourage you to think beyond safety/security concerns while completing the survey (unless specifically asked).
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded as of June 30th.2204 responses
The City of Lethbridge is seeking feedback on potentially reducing speed limits in the downtown. Speed reductions would help in achieving the overall vision for downtown as a vibrant prosperous place that provides a safe and comfortable environment for pedestrians and cyclists. It would also achieve a significant step towards increased transportation safety and the goal of eliminating major injury and fatal collisions on City roads.
Survey will remain open until Tuesday June 30, 2020.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Do you know a Downtown champion? We want to hear about individuals, businesses, and/or organizations that have invested time, ideas and capital into our Downtown to make it more beautiful, livable, exciting, vibrant, accessible and sustainable. Nominate a Downtown champion for a Celebrate Downtown Award today!
Nomination form takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
While the Celebrate Downtown event itself has been postponed, the nomination process will continue and the nomination deadline has been extended until Friday, May 1, 2020.
Follow @CelebrateDowntownYQL on Facebook and Instagram for updates!
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
A team of representatives from the City of Lethbridge, Downtown BRZ, and Heart of our City Committee are currently embarking on a branding project for Downtown Lethbridge and we need your feedback!
The Downtown Lethbridge Branding Project aims to:
- Create a brand that represents the entity of Downtown Lethbridge as opposed to the organizations that champion it.
- Capture the personality of Downtown Lethbridge in order to attract like-minded businesses and visitors.
- Provide a consistent representation of Downtown Lethbridge that shifts negative perceptions and stereotypes and enhances local and regional positioning
- Align with the community brand https://www.facebook.com/brightertogetheryql/
As a member of the Downtown Lethbridge community, we want to hear from you. The following questionaire should take no more than 15 minutes and will provide us with valuable feedback as we move forward.
Questionnaire will remain open until 11:59pm MT on Wednesday March 11, 2020.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded. Please head to www.lethbridge.ca/publicspaces for more information on the Parklet Program.
A Parklet repurposes part of the street, typically one or two parking spaces, into a public space in which people can gather and socialize. The City of Lethbridge if currently undertaking a parklet program as a new placemaking effort in downtown. The pilot will take place until October 15, 2019.
This survey will provide important recommendations to inform the future of the initiative.
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Project Timeline
Ongoing Conversation
#OurDowntown is currently at this stage#OurDowntown is an ongoing conversation related to the process of downtown revitalization which is continual and never complete. Therefore there is not a defined end date to this project/process.
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Document Library
HOC Downtown Personas Final Report (1.1 MB) (pdf)
Festival Square Detailed Design What We Heard Report - February 10 (2.21 MB) (pdf)
Festival Square Concept Designs Final Report (5.7 MB) (pdf)
Heart of Our City Master Plan
Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan
Galt Gardens Master Plan
Civic Common Master Plan
Housing Incentive Program
Targeted Redevelopment Incentive Policy
Downtown Speed Reduction Survey What We Heard Report (1.33 MB) (pdf)
Re-Imagine Downtown Activation Grant-Budget-Template-June21-Intake.xlsx (25.2 KB) (xlsx)
Heart of Our City Governance Report (1.26 MB) (pdf)
#OurDowntown Video Series
Video Series targeted at highlighting the many positive aspects of downtown life. The videos are produced by the Downtown Lethbridge Business Revitalization Zone in alignment with the #OurDowntown conversation.
Downtown Lethbridge Videos
Downtown Lethbridge Videos
Click here to play video Pure Spa - Downtown Lethbridge Take a sneak peek look into Pure Spa, and hear why owners Rachel and Jayna decided to open their dream spa and bring holistic healing to Downtown Lethbridge.
Click here to play video Southern Alberta Ethnic Association Downtown is more diverse and inclusive than ever as residents, businesses, and organizations representing people from around the world utilize the centre of our city on a daily basis. Learn more about the role of the Southern Alberta Ethnic Association and its role in adding diversity to our Downtown. https://getinvolvedlethbridge.ca/ourdowntown